
Showing posts from September, 2018

Image inside the Image to hide img { position : absolute ; top : 50% ; left : 50% ; width : 500 px ; height : 500 px ; margin-top : - 250 px ; /* Half the height */ margin-left : - 250 px ; /* Half the width */ }


- Add new album with name and description and album cover - Edit album name and details also album cover - Dynamic album and galley auto crop thumb images - in gallery upload multiple images with auto generate unique image name - In gallery change images or delete images - Album wise gallery management - Easy page number wise navigation buttons Download full source code ========================================================= fix bugs ================================================ go to & try it


ImageOptim Pingdom .   WP-Smushit The speed of your website matters for two reasons: Your user’s experience SEO Your site’s speed matters for 2 reasons: your user’s experience and SEO.  CLICK TO TWEET When it comes to  user experience ,  Google’s research experiments  show that faster site speed leads to happier users, increased productivity, and more time users spend browsing. Moreover, research by  Kissmetrics  showed that 40% of people will abandon a site if it takes longer than three seconds to load. 47% of users expect a page to load in two seconds or less. Overall, the speed of your site has a greater impact on user satisfaction than extra “bells and whistles”. It doesn’t matter how great a site looks: if it loads too slowly, users will click away. Regarding  SEO ,  Google uses site speed  as one of the many factors that determines rank (how high your page appears in search results). To determine...

Fast WebSite

Improve your hosting plan Understand HTTP requests Make images internet-friendly Use plugins sparingly (WP sites only) Cut down on external scripts Optimize JS and CSS files Take advantage of caching Eliminate website baggage Use a content delivery network (CDN) ABOUT TO LAUNCH YOUR WEBSITE? Get my helpful pre-launch checklist to make sure you're on the right track. GET IT. Don't worry. I'll never, ever spam you! WHY YOUR WEBSITE’S SPEED MATTERS The speed of your website matters for two reasons: Your user’s experience SEO Your site’s speed matters for 2 reasons: your user’s experience and SEO.  CLICK TO TWEET When it comes to  user experience ,  Google’s research experiments  show that faster site speed leads to happier users, increased productivity, and more time users spend browsing. Moreover, research by  Kissmetrics  showed that 40% of people will abandon a site if it takes longer than three seconds to load....